Reread lines 731-735.
How does this statement help you understand what Creon
his son in this situation? (Antigone)

Respuesta :

Creon is frightened of appearing weak and wishes to make an instance of Antigone if he displays mercy. He has expressed regret. He wants to commit himself since he believes he is solely responsible for all that has occurred.

What is the situation of Creon's son?

Haemon, Creon's son, persuades his father to alter his mind and release Antigone in order to appease the citizens who support her.

Creon vehemently rejects his son's suggestion and threatens to murder Antigone in front of him.

Haemon departs, promising Creon that he will never see him again. When Creon is alone, he informs the chorus that he will let Ismene escape, but that he plans to shut Antigone up alive and starve her to death.

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