Keep track of your income and expenses for one month. List all your assets and liabilities (debts owed) in a spreadsheet. Based on these documents, develop a monthly budget and a net worth statement.

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1. Housing or Rent

Housing and rental costs will vary significantly depending on where you live. For example, the median home value in 2018 was $328,200 in New Jersey, but $140,100 in Ohio. Cost-of-living calculators can help you adjust your budget estimates based on your location.

When it comes to a home loan, interest rates and the length of the mortgage also have a powerful effect on your monthly mortgage payments. Assuming a national average loan size of just over $245,000, a 30-year loan at 3.29% interest would cost $1,700 per month. A 15-year loan for the same amount at 2.79% interest would cost $2,296 per month.

Rent varies in a similar way based on where you live geographically. In 2021, the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Kansas was reported at $1,065. Move to California, and that one-bedroom apartment will set you back $2,670.

(The numbers that follow in this article are based on Department of Labor data unless another source is cited.)

2. Transportation and Car Insurance

Transportation is the second-largest budget item for most people, with average monthly expenses of about $819, including car payments, gasoline, and insurance. This should include all your regular expenses of commuting and just getting around town.

If you don’t have a car payment, you might include less for transportation in your monthly expense budget. On the other hand, an older car might need a higher budget to cover the costs of maintenance.

Also, most car insurance plans let you save money if you pay for a full six months in advance. If you build that option into your monthly expense spreadsheet, saving enough each month to pay for your insurance up front, you’ll come out ahead in the long run.

3. Travel Expenses

Travel expenses include things like weekend getaways, visiting family, traveling for work, or anything that goes beyond your usual expenses with things like plane tickets, hotel stays, and rental car costs.

If you’re planning something big like a week-long vacation, cross-country drive, or overseas trip, consider creating a separate budget for that expense and saving up for it in advance.
