
Which two elements, in looking at their atoms, have a total of 51 protons between them?

Magnesium and Aluminum

Lithium and Scandium

Tin and Hydrogen

both A and B

Respuesta :


Answer: Options #3: Tin and Hydrogen


Tin has 50 protons

Hydrogen has 1 proton

50 + 1 = 51 protons


♡ The Question/Task(s)! ♡

✦ || Which two elements, in looking at their atoms, have a total of 51 protons between them?


♡ The Answer(s)! ♡

✦ || The answer is, "Tin and Hydrogen"!

I apologize in advance if the answer is incorrect! ♡


♡ The Explanation(s)/Step-By-Step! ♡

✦ || If you combine each of the number of protons, Magnesium and Aluminum would contain 25 total! Magnesium consists of 12 protons, while Aluminum has 13. If you combine the number of protons for Lithium and Scandium, the result would be 24 total! Lithium contains 3 protons, while Scandium has 21. If you add the total number of protons between Magnesium, Aluminum, Lithium, and Scandium, the answer would be 49! If you combine the number of protons for Tin and Hydrogen, however, you would receive the total number of 51! Tin consists of 50 protons, while Hydrogen only has 1, therefore, the answer is Tin and Hydrogen!


♡ Tip(s)! ♡

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