The population of Atlanta Georgia in the year 2000 was 417,000 people. If the population increases at a rate of 1.2% each year, find the approximate population of Atlanta in

Respuesta :

Step-by-step explanation:

geometric sequence :

a0 = 417,000

a1 = a0 × 1.012 (that is adding 1.2% for 2001)

a2 = a1 × 1.012 = a0 × 1.012²

an = a0 × 1.012^n

a20 (for the year 2020 after starting in 2000) =

= a0 × 1.012²⁰ = 417,000 × 1.012²⁰ = 529,354.1291...

if we need to round that to a full number, we get

≈ 529,534

our round it to full thousands

≈ 530,000

i don't know what result format you need. please pick the required one.