
In Australia, some native bugs eat the large fruit of an invasive plant by making a hole in the fruit’s thick skin with their mouthparts. The table below shows data that scientists collected about the bugs before and after the invasive plants were introduced. (S7L5a)1 pt.Bug CharacteristicsBefore Invasive PlantsAfter Invasive Plantsaveragelengthofmouthparts(female)6.81mm7.41mmaveragelengthofmouthparts(male)6.08mm6.48mmaveragebodylength(female)13.24mm13.65mmaveragebodylength(male)11.63mm11.92mmBased on the information in the table, which of the following best explains why this bug population has changed since the introduction of the invasive plants? A.The bugs are unable to feed on native fruits. B.Bugs with shorter mouthparts have all died off. C.Bugs with shorter mouthparts have all died off. D.The bugs have started cross-breeding with a larger species.8. Based on fossil evidence, scientists concluded that whales evolved from hoofed mammalian ancestors that lived on land. New evidence confirms this and suggests that among the hoofed mammals, the hippopotamus is the closest living relative of whales. Which of the following was the most likely source of this new evidence? (S7L5c)1 pt.A.Comparisons of lifespans B.Comparisons of gene sequencesC.Mapping of geographic distributions D.Calculation of population birth rates
7thGrade Unit 3 Pre-Assessment9. The illustrations below show a sugar glider and a flying squirrel. (S7L5b)1 pt.The sugar glider lives in Australia, and the flying squirrel lives in North America. The two species have many similar characteristics, including the ability to glide, but the sugar glider and the flying squirrel are not closely related species.Which of the following statements explains why the sugar glider and the flying squirrel both have the ability to glide?A.Both evolved at the same time in geologic history B.Both interbred and blended their gene pools in the past.C.Both learned to glide by imitating the same kinds of bird species.D.Both adapted to similar niches in which gliding increased their chances of survival10. Thousands of years ago, the jaws and teeth of jaguars were more varied in size than they are today. During a period of climate change about 11,000 years ago, jaguars faced a shortage of food. There were fewer mammals to eat, so the jaguars had to eat shelled reptiles. The jaguars with the largest jaws and teeth could most easily eat the shelled reptiles. Which of the following statements best explain why large jaws and teeth are common characteristics in jaguars today? (S7L5c)1pt.A.Jaguars with the smallest jaws and teeth died out completely.B.Jaguars with the smallest jaws and teeth were not ever able to mate.C.Jaguars with the largest jaws and teeth survived and reproduced more successfully than other jaguars.D.Jaguars with the largest jaws and teeth strengthened them by using them more frequently than other jaguars.
7thGrade Unit 3 Pre-AssessmentConstructed Response Items:11. A hawk has a genetic trait that gives it muchbetter eyesight than other hawks of the same species in the same area. Explain how this could lead to evolutionary change within this species of hawk over a long period of time. In your answer, be sure to include an explanation of:(S7L5b) 4pts (1pt.each)A.Competition within the hawk population1 pt.B.Survival of various individuals in the population1 pt.C.How the frequency of the better-eyesight trait would be expected to change over time within the population1 pt.D.What would most likely happen to the hawks having the better-eyesight trait if they also had unusually weak wing muscles1 pt.