Why does Richard’s invention work so well? How does it keep the lions away from the livestock without harming them? Use specific evidence from the text to support your answer.

Respuesta :

After reading about Richard in "A Kenyan Teen's Discovery: Let There Be Lights To Save Lions," we can answer the questions in the following manner:

  • Richard's invention works so well and keeps the lions away without harming them because it mimics the way lights would shine if a human were walking around carrying a flashlight.
  • Richard had the idea to build Lion Lights when "he was walking around with a flashlight and discovered the lions were scared of a moving light." Therefore, there was no need to kill the animals. They could just be scared away from the cows.

Who is Richard Turere?

  • Richard is a 13-year-old boy from Kenya who came up with an impressive invention to protect his father's cows, which were being attacked and killed by lions.
  • Lions are among the endangered species in Kenya, one of the reasons for people killing them being retaliation. Lions often attack people's livestock, so people end up killing the lions.
  • However, Richard noticed that, at night, lions would be scared of his flashlight. With that perception came the idea to build a system of moving lights to keep the lions away.
  • Richard's invention keeps not only the cows, but also the lions safe. People do not kill the lions if they don't attack their livestock.

Learn more about lions here:
