Respuesta :
Developing countries, still heavily dependent on agriculture, must now
harness biotechnology to modernize agricultural production and diversify
product outputs. The Philippines was one of the first Asian countries to
establish a biotechnology research and development program. However,
not much progress in harnessing the tools of biotechnology has been
achieved, especially in the area of varietal improvement. Despite an early
realization of the importance of biotechnology in national agricultural
development, there was little political will to provide resources for this
program to move forward.
Modern biotechnology must be regarded as one of the tools in modernizing
Philippine agriculture. Its role in varietal improvement, biosecurity,
product standards, and pest and disease prevention and management
must be enhanced.
A critical mass of highly trained human resources in the natural and social
sciences that will undertake the research and development activities in
agricultural biotechnology must also be assured.
Private sector participation in the development of agricultural
biotechnology must be encouraged. The sustainability of these research
and development activities can only be assured if they serve commercial
purposes. This may form the beginnings of an agricultural biotechnology
industry and the much-needed commercial base for modern biotechnology
to take off in the country.