Suppose there are two similar things that you would like to buy in an online shop, but your money is only enough for one. Decide which one to keep by comparing and contrasting the items. Use a Venn diagram or a comparison and contrast chart to process your decision and arrive at a better choice.

Suppose there are two similar things that you would like to buy in an online shop but your money is only enough for one Decide which one to keep by comparing an class=

Respuesta :

Using the Venn Diagram, I have been able to compare and contrast two items that are competing for my budget.

A Venn diagram visually portrays the logical relationships that exist between elements that belong in the same group.

Two items are competing for my money.

  • They are Oranges and Apples.

  • I have used a Venn Diagram to highlight their differences and similarities. (Diagram Attached)

Venn diagrams

  • help with decision making

  • helps to organize information visually

  • helps to simplify logical relationships

So regarding my online shopping, I think I'll go with Oranges.

Learn more about Venn Diagrams in the link below:

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