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Italian Language

Spoken language

Italian is a Romance language of the Indo-European language family. Italian descends from the vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire. Taking into account both national and regional languages, it is seen that Italian and Sardinian are together the least differentiated from Latin. Wikipedia

Pronunciation: itaˈljaːno

Dialects: Tuscan dialects, Central italian dialects, various forms of regional Italian

Writing system: Latin (Italian alphabet); Italian Braille

Region: Italy, Ticino and Italian Grisons, Slovenian Littoral, Western Istria

Language family: Indo-European > Italic > Romance > Italo-Western > Italo-Dalmatian > Italian

Early forms: Old Latin: Classical Latin > Vulgar Latin > Tuscan > Florentine

Signed forms: Italiano segnato "(Signed Italian)"; italiano segnato esatto "(Signed Exact Italian)"



The lira was the official unit of currency in Italy until 1 January 1999, when it was replaced by the euro (the lira was officially a national subunit of the euro until the rollout of euro coins and notes in 2002). Old lira denominated currency ceased to be legal tender on 28 February 2002.


Italy is known for its considerable architectural achievements, such as the construction of aqueducts, temples and similar structures during ancient Rome, the founding of the Renaissance architectural movement in the late-14th to 16th century, and being the homeland of Palladianism, a style of construction which ...


Where the names of the months in Italian come from

Gennaio – January. The name Gennaio / January comes from Ianuarius, the Latin name of the first month of the year, named after the ancient God Janus. ...

Febbraio – February. ...

March – Marzo. ...

Aprile – April. ...

Maggio – May. ...

Giugno -June. ...

Luglio – July. ...

Agosto – August.

Reflexive verbs

Some other common reflexive verbs in Italian are:

Svegliarsi – to wake [oneself] up.

Lavarsi – to wash oneself [have a wash]

Pettinarsi – to comb one's hair.

Sedersi – to sit down.

Sentirsi – to feel.

Spogliarsi – to undress.

Addormentarsi – to fall asleep. ...

innamorarsi – to fall in love !