The Badger Names the Sun

At the beginning of the era of the Surem, nobody knew the name of the sun and they wanted a name for it. For this reason they held a council on the bank of the Surem River. Everyone gave his opinion but no name was found for the sun. Every day they studied the matter. They did not know if it were man or woman and so they couldn't decide whether it would be best to give it a male or a female name. The Surem could not agree. They finally invited all the animals of the world to come to a council.

Once they were all present, before the sun came up, at the edge of the river, they made a great group of men and animals. When the sun appeared, a badger came out of a hole where he lived in the ground.

The badger came to the council and said in a strong voice, "The sun being a man, comes out of a hole in the earth as I do." Speaking thus, he ran away.

Everyone ran after him, wishing to pay him honor for his great intelligence. They wanted to give a fiesta for him and to pay him well with abundant food.

But the badger ran away and went into his hole and would not come out. He thought they wanted to punish him. From that time on the badger rarely goes out on the plains. He is still afraid that they might punish him for something.

In one to two sentences, explain the problem in this story and how the badger solved it.

Respuesta :

The problem in this story is that the humans and the animals could not decide which name to give the Sun and the way the badger solved it was to make a bold statement and then run away so he would not have to further explain himself.

As a result of this, we can see from the given excerpt, we can see that there is a  dilemma which the humans and the animals about the name of the Sun and what they would call it.

They were confused on the gender of the Sun and did not know whether to give it a male or female name so they were in discussion for a long time until the badger came out to make a bold statement and then run away so that he would not explain himself further.

Read more about The Badger Names the Sun here: