Respuesta :
(1) There shall be a President of Nepal.
(2) The President shall be the head of state of Nepal. He or she shall
perform his or her functions in accordance with this Constitution and theFederal
(3) The President shall promote the national unity of Nepal.
(4) The main duty of the President shall be to abide by and protect this
62. Election of President:
(1) The President shall be elected by an electoral college
composed of the members of the Federal Parliament and of the State Assemblies.
The voting weight age of the members of the Federal Parliament and of the State
Assemblies shall vary as provided for in the Federal law.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), nothing shall be
deemed to bar the formation of an electoral college for the purpose of election to
the President by the sole reason that election to the State Assembly has not been
held in any State.
(3) A person who secures a majority of the then existing total votes of
the electoral college under clause (1) shall be elected as the President.
(4) If none of the candidates secures a majority under clause (3), there
shall be voting between the two candidates who have secured the highest number
of votes, and a candidate who secures more than fifty percent of the total votes in
such a voting shall be elected as the President.
(5) If none of the candidates secures more than fifty percent of the total
votes even in the voting under clause (4), re-voting shall be held. A candidate who
secures a majority of the total valid votes cast in such voting shall be elected as the
(6) If a person who holds a political office to be filled by way of
election, nomination or appointment is appointed as the President under this
Article, his or her such office shall ipso facto be vacant.
(7) Election to the President and other matters related thereto shall be as
provided for in the Federal law.