"The greater and lesser daimyo [lords] of the provinces and all their salaried officials must speedily expel any soldiers in their service who have been accused of rebellion or murder. . . . Any repairs to castles in the provinces must be reported to the government of the shogun [ruler of Japan], as well as any new construction, which is strictly forbidden. Walls extending more than a certain distance are a peril to the state. High fortresses and well-dredged moats are the origins of great turmoil. . . . [When reporting for duty] daimyo with larger estates should not be escorted by more than twenty mounted warriors. Daimyo with smaller estates should reduce their escort proportionally."

Decree issued by the newly established Tokugawa Shogunate concerning the regulation of warrior households, Japan, 1615

a) Identify ONE purpose of the decree.

b) Identify ONE way in which the decree reflects the historical situation of the period

Respuesta :

The decree of the military houses was intended to regulate the activities of the samurai during the Tokugawa period. This reflects the historical situation because it shows the will of the shogunate to avoid being taken from power.

Buke Shohatto was a Japanese law that refers to the Laws of the Military Houses that aimed to regulate the responsibilities and activities of the feudal lords (daimyo) and the rest of the aristocratic samurai class.

Much of these laws were the foundation of the Tokugawa regime. During this time this was implemented. The content of the edicts was seen more as a code of conduct, in which it was described how the proper and honorable behavior of the daimyo should be.

Additionally, this law was mainly intended to limit the power of the daimyo and thus protect the control of the shogunate in the country, avoiding possible uprisings against the shogun.

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