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The chi-square test helps us to figure out if the differences between expected and observed numbers are by chance or because the population is not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The chi square value= 0.11


After making a cross, when the observed number of individuals in the progeny differs from the expected ones, we perform a chi-square test to analyze if the difference is statistically significant or not. If it is not significant, the difference might occur by random chance. If it is significant, the difference is probably due to another cause, like because the population is not in H-W equilibrium.


  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,
  • a sigle diallelic gene involved is in the trait expression,

if we cross two heter0zyg0us individuals we would expect to get 75% of the progeny expressing the dominant trait, and 25% the recessive trait.

In the exposed situation, there are 200 individuals ⇒  N = 200

  • 152 individuals express the dominant phenotype
  • 48 express the recessive phenotype.

These are the observed numbers.

Now, let us define the expected number of individuals.

100% of the progeny -------------------------------------------------------- 200 individuals

75% of the progeny with dominant trait --------------------------X = 150 individuals

25% of the progeny with recessive trait--------------------------X = 50 individuals

So, up to here we know that,

                individuals with dominant trait     individuals with recessive trait      

Expected                       150                                                       50

Observed                       152                                                       48                            

So we already have the expected and the observed values. Now we need to define the chisquare - X² - value. To get it, we will use the following formula,

                                          X² = Σ ((Obs-Exp)² / Exp)

                individuals with dominant trait     individuals with recessive trait      

Expected                       150                                                       50

Observed                       152                                                       48                        

(Obs-Exp)² / Exp     (152 - 150)² / 150 = 0.027           (48 - 50)² / 50 = 0.08    

= Σ ((Obs-Exp)² / Exp) = 0.027 + 0.08 = 0.107 ≅ 0.11


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