
Read the following Case Study and answer the questions below .

Melissa was tired of hearing about it and tired of witnessing it among her peers . Bullying had become epidemic in her rural community and although had been dealt with within the school walls , it was subversive off school grounds . Even more so , bullying in social media through unkind , threatening or aggressive postings was rampant . Melissa had heard this termed cyberbullying in national news reports . It was not as if her peers did not know it was wrong . School officials had held emotionally impactful school assemblies and had enacted a " no tolerance policy on school grounds . But it seemed to Melissa that bullying behavior had only escalated outside the school walls .

Should schools monitor after - school activities ? Why or why not ?

If how can school officials be involved in reducing cyberbullying ?

Should bullying education be focused on bullies , those who are bullied , or both ? Why ?

How might Melissa approach school and / or district officials with her concerns ?

How might Melissa personally deal with this social issue among her peers ? Reply