Solar System - Scaling. When you look at Neptune in a telescope, you are actually looking into the past as the light has to travel from Neptune to your eyes. If the speed of light is ~300,000 km/s, how far back into the past are you looking (or put another way, how long does it take light to travel from Neptune to your eyes on Earth)

Respuesta :


Distance from sun to Neptune = 4.495E9 km

Time for light to travel = 4.495E9 / 3E5 sec = 14,980 sec

That is from sun to Neptune time fof light = 250 min

Time for light to travel from sun to earth is about 8 min

So the time from Neptune would be 242 to 258 min depending on position of Neptune - Note that Neptune is about 30X as far from the sun as earth and

250 min / 8 min is roughly 30

The uniform motion of kinematics allows us to find the time it takes for light to arrive from Neptune to Earth, which varies between:

          t₁ = 1.45 10⁴ s and t₂₂= 1.55 10⁴ s

depending on the relative distance of the two planets

given parameters

  • The speed of light c = 300,000 km / s = 3 10⁸ m / s
  • The distance from Neptune to Sum

to find

  • The time when light arrives from Neptune to Earth

They  velocit of an electromagnetic wave is constant, so we can use the uniform motion relationships

             v = d / t

             t = d / v

where v is the speed of light, d the distance and y time, in this case the speed of the wave is the speed of light (v = c)

We look in the tables for the distances and the rotation periods around the sun

                           distance ( m)         period (s)

Sun Neptunium     4.50 10¹²             5.2 10⁹

Sun - Earth             1.5    10¹¹              3.2 10⁷

With the data of the period it is observed that the rotation of Neptune is much greater than that of Eart rotation around the sun, for which we will assume that Neptunium is fixed in space and the Earth may be in its aphelion or perihelion, maximum approach o away distance from the sun, consequently we calculate the time for the two cases:

Maximum approach

positions relative distance from the dos Plantetas is

         Δd = [tex]x_{Neptuno - Sum} - x_{Earth - Sum}[/tex]d  


         Δd = 4.50 10¹²  - 1.5 10¹¹

         Δd = 43.5 10¹¹ m

the time it takes for Neptune's light to reach Earth is

        Δt = [tex]\frac{ 43.5 \ 10^{11} }{3 \ 10^8}[/tex]  

        Δt = 14.5 10³ s

        Δt = 1.45 10⁴ s


We reduce to hours

        Δt = 1.45 10⁴ s (1 h / 3600 s) = 4.03 h

Maximum away

         Δd = [tex]x_{Neptune - Sum} + x_{Neptune-Sum}[/tex]  

         Δd = 4.50 10¹² + 1.5 10¹¹

         Δd = 46.5 10¹¹

The time is

         Δt = [tex]\frac{46.5 \ 10^{11}}{ 3 \ 10^8}[/tex]  

         Δt = 15.5 10³

         Δt = 1.55 10⁴ s

We reduce to hours

         Δt = 1.55 10⁴ s (1 h / 3600 s) = 4.31 h

In conclusion, the time it takes for light to arrive from Neptune to Earth varies between:

          t₁ = 1.45 10⁴ s and t₂ = 1.55 10⁴ s

depending on the relative distance of the two plants

learn more about the speed of light here: