Respuesta :


With Br2 - Bromobenzene

With Cl2 - Chlorobenzene

With HNO3- Nitrobenzene

With H2SO4 - Benzenesulphonic acid

With HCOCl - Benzoyl chloride

With 1-chloro-2,2-dimethylpropane - 2,2dimethyl-1-phenyl propane


The common thread joining all these reactions is that they are all electrophillic reactions. They are so called because the attacking agents in each reagent is an electrophile. Electrophiles are species that have electron deficient centers and are known to attack molecules that are high in electron density at regions of high electron density.

The benzene molecule has rich electron density. Any substituents that donates electrons to the ring improves the likelihood that benzene will undergo electrophillic substitution reactions while electron withdrawing substituents decrease the likelihood that benzene will undergo electrophillic substitution reactions.

The names of the compounds formed when benzene undergoes electrophillic reaction with the attacking agents listed in the question are displayed in the answer section.