
What kinds of gifts did his subjects give the Great Khan for the New Year? What details does Marco Polo include to show the richness of the Khan’s court?

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The gifts bestowed to the Great Khan on the eve of New Year by his subjects are gold, silver, precious stones, pieces of white cloth, and great numbers of white horses.

The details included in Marco Polo's account to present the richness of the Khan's court is that his court will present nine times nine the article.


"The Great Khan Celebrates the New Year" is a primary account written by Marco Polo. In his account, he writes about the celebration of the New Year in the courts of the Great Khan. He writes that the subjects of the Great Khan bestowed him with great gifts such as gold, silver, precious stones, pieces of white cloth, and great numbers of white horses.

The details that Marco Polo includes in his account to reveal the richness of the Khan's court is "It is moreover the custom in making presents to  the Great Khan, for those who have it in their power  to furnish nine times nine of the article of which the  present consists. Thus, for instance, if a province  sends a present of horses, there are nine times nine,  or eighty-one head in the drove. And so also of gold,  or of cloth, nine times nine pieces. His Majesty  receives at this festival no fewer than  a hundred thousand horses."