
What happens if no candidate receives at least 270 votes from the Electoral College? Conduct research of secondary sources to assist you. The Constitution states that a new election must be organized and the process start over. The President becomes the candidate with the hightest popular vote, as determined by the Founding Fathers. The state legistlatures convene to select the President and Vice President. The House of Representatives elects the President and the Senate elects the Vice President.

Respuesta :

The 538 members of the Electoral College cast their votes for President and Vice President in meetings held in the 50 state capitals and the District of Columbia in mid-December of presidential election years. If all 538 electors are appointed, 270 electoral votes (i.e., a majority of 538 members of the Electoral College) are required to elect the President and the Vice President.

this has never happened. however should it occur the house of representatives (constitutionally speaking excluding any amendments) would in fact take the three candidates that have received the most electoral votes (there must be at least three in order for this to occur.) and elect them. each member of the house gets one vote. before amendments were made to the constitution it is said that the senate would elect the vice president the same way however this is unlikely to  occur as the current way we pick vp's is through the president himself. hope this helped!