(((((Civil Rights Timeline put these in order))))) plzzzzz help
American Civil Liberties Union Founded.

NAACP Founded.

Plessy v Ferguson.

Montgomery Bus Boycotts.

19th Amendment.

Bailey v Patterson.

“I Have a Dream” Speech & March on Washington.

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.

Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Loving v Virginia.

Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas II.

Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated.

Malcolm X Assassinated.

Watts Riots in LA.

Little Rock Nine.

Greensboro Four.

Ruby Bridges.

Freedom Rides.

Birmingham Church Bombing.

Selma-Montgomery March.

Black Panther Party founded.

Detroit Riot.

Respuesta :


Plessy v Ferguson: 5/18/1896

NAACP founded: 2/12/1909

19th Amendment: 5/21/1919

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas: 5/17/1954

Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas II: 5/3/1955

Montgomery Bus Boycotts: 12/5//1955

Little Rock Nine: 9/4/1957

Greensboro Four: 2/1/1960

Ruby Bridges: 11/14/1960

Freedom Rides: 5/4/1961

Bailey v Patterson: 2/26/1962

"I Have a Dream" Speech & March on Washington: 8/28/1963

Birmingham Church Bombing: 9/15/1963

Civil Rights Act of 1964: 7/2/1964

Malcolm X Assassinated: 2/21/1965

Selma-Montgomery March: 3/7/1965

Voting Rights Act of 1965: 8/6/1965

Watts Riots in L.A.: 8/11/1965

Black Panther Party founded: 10/15/1966

Loving v Virginia: 6/12/1967

Detroit Riot: 7/23/1967

Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassinated: 4/4/1968
