The Road questions, pages 60-130
1. Summarize their encounter with the man from the caravan. What two tactics does he try to coax the
2. The scene triggers both a loss of innocence and a rite of passage to adulthood for the boy. Provide an
father and son to join them?
explanation from the details of the text.
3. The father makes his son a flute. Look up the legend of the Pied Piper. Explain how this episode would
be an inversion or reversal of the story.
4. What does the boy believe he hears and sees? What do his responses to them reinforce about the boy?
What is the father's perspective?
5. As the travel becomes more rigorous and the discovery of food more daunting, what impact does this
have on the father? What are they reduced to eating from a barn one day?
6. The premonition of evil appears often. What scene do they witness in an orchard?