1. When Alexander and his army invaded Asia in 334 BCE, where did they first meet serious Persian resistance?
2. How many times does the city name Alexandria appear on the map? What conclusions can you draw from this?
3. As Alexander's foot soldiers marched, approximately how many miles was it from Pella, the capital of Macedonia to Egypt to the Hydaspes River in India? Follow the arrows.
4. How can you use the map to argue that Alexander was great?
5. How can you use the map to argue that Alexander was not great?
6. Where is the Hydaspes River?
7. Explain how Alexander's army was able to cross the Hydaspes River before Porus was able to react.
8. How was Alexander able to turn Porus's elephants into a kind of weapon?
9. How can you use this document to argue that Alexander was great?
10. How can you use this document to argue that Alexander was not great?