What is one Renaissance characteristic of Michelangelo's Pietà?

A. It organizes the figures by using the pyramid configuration for a sense of harmony and stability.
B. It reveals the fact that Renaissance artists did not want to portray emotions in religious artworks.
C. It depicts the figures with lifelike accuracy, regardless of how unflattering their features may be.
D. It shows the influence of ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian sculpture.

Respuesta :


A. It organizes the figures by using the pyramid configuration for a sense of harmony and stability.


One of the frequent features of renaissance art is the composition taking the symmetrical shape of the pyramid wide at the bottom, and focal point at the thin upper part, usually making the head of the person presented.

The sculpture Pieta presents the Virgin Mary sitting down and holding the body of her son, Jesus Christ. Considering the figure is sitting, and the focal point is again at the head of Mary, we can deduct the pyramid configuration of the Renaissance art piece.

The sculpture portrays emotion, even bearing the name pity that symbolizes the grief over death and loss. Figures are presented in full glory and beauty, which is often the case with Renaissance artworks – Virgin Mary is notably portrayed as much younger than she should be at the time of Jesus’ death. Finally not Ranasinace art nor this sculpture show any influence of Egyptian and Mesopotamian sculpture.