Act 3
How does Duncan reward Macbeth for his bravery in defeating the rebels? Comment on the order in which Duncan announces it and Macbeth finds it out.
How does Lady Macbeth react when her husband sees (or believes he sees) Banquo's ghost? What similar thing does she recall? (Macbeth has not told her of this in the dialogue of the play, so we must suppose he has told her between scenes.)
What does Macbeth mean when he says, “We are yet but young in deed”? (Act 3, scene 4) What does this suggest about his future conduct?
Who or what is Hecate and what does she think of the witches' involvement with Macbeth?
What is Hecate's strategy for Macbeth? Comment on the way the audience learns of this before he does.
In Act 3, scene 6, Lennox comments on Macbeth's actions. In your own words, try to explain what he says directly and what he really thinks or hints at. Why might he not want to say directly what is really in his mind?

Respuesta :


the first one is he makes him Thane of Cawdor and he finds out from the witches before Duncan

the second one is Lady Macbeth is embarrased and alarmed by Macbeth's odd behavior. She makes excues to the court for her husband's behavior. She says that Macbeth has visions from time to time. However, as Macbeth continues to show an odd behavior, she takes him into his room, saying he needs more sleep. She recalls Macbeth's vision of a hovering dagger that pointed toward Duncan.

Macbeth is telling his wife that they are not experienced criminals yet. They have just committed one murder and will likely commit more.
