Fish.—Fish Caught in Muddy Streams.—Kill your Fish as Soon as Caught.—Fish Grubs.—Fish Fried, Planked, Skewered, and Boiled.—Fish Sauce, Fish Roe, Shell-Fish.
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Fish should naturally have a prominent place in the canoeist's larder. Few streams that he will navigate are entirely destitute of edible fish, and a few minutes spent in angling will amply repay the cruiser. .
After the chapter lll number, the author lists six subcategories. Which of these six subcategories are represented in the two paragraphs that follow?
Fish caught out of muddy streams have an unpleasant taste, and their flavor can be improved by soaking them half an hour or more in strong salted water. Fish should be killed as soon as caught by a sharp rap on the back just aft of the head with a stick or the handle of your big knife, not only in justice to the fish, but because he tastes better, for the same reason that a butchered steer is preferable to one smothered to death.