Respuesta :


Yo fui en linea a navegar paginas de web, Ahi encontre un juego en un enlance cuando estaba buscando yo lo descarge. La direction de pagina fue segura entos no mi teniea que prequpar por un virus. Mis amigos mi mandaron un messaje instantaneo que quirean jugar con migo. Yo les dehi que tenian que visitar un sito y que el servidor  estaba sin peligro; les di la direction de pagina. Cuando jugamos el juego depus fuemos al foro a decier que era muy divertido cuando por fin estavamos feliz con nuestra respuesta clickamos enviar para que todos los vea. lugo mis otros amigos qurian jugar y les di la cargar ellos primero necesitaba que conectarse  a la web para jugar mi amigo perdio au contrasena entos fuemos a requepar la cuando ya estaba cansado mi fue fuera de linea


I went online to navigate the websites, there I found a game on a site when I was looking around I downloaded it. The web address was safe so I didn't need to worry about a virus. My friends sent me an instant message that they wanted to play with me I told them they had to visit a site and that the server was safe I gave them the webpage address when we played the game we then went to the forums to say it was very fun when we were finally happy with our result we press submit so that everyone could see later my other friends wanted to play I gave them the link but first, they had to get login into the web to play my friend lost his password to we went to go retrieve it once I was finally tired I went offline