The equation y = 43x represents the number of miles Alicia drives over time, where y is the number of miles and x is time in hours. The table (shown in picture) shows the number of miles Trish drives over time.

How many miles does each woman travel per hour? Who drives at a slower rate?

The equation y 43x represents the number of miles Alicia drives over time where y is the number of miles and x is time in hours The table shown in picture shows class=

Respuesta :

Alicia: y = 43x

Time        Miles driven         Unit Rate (miles driven ÷ time)
1.5                 69                      46 mi/hr
3.5                161                     46 mi/hr
6                   276                     46 mi/hr
7.5                345                     46 mi/hr

Alicia drives 43 miles per hour while Trish drives 46 miles per hour.

Alicia drives at a slower rate.