Which statements describe the Renaissance?
Group A
- A period of extraordinary artistic and Merary creativity that was inspired by now interest in the classics from late fouten
early seventeenth centuries
. I began in the city-state of Florence and slowly spread throughout Europe.
• Artists painted life like figures and placed then in naturlooking settings
People focused more on this world than they had in the past
Popes and wealthy families such as the Medici became patrons of art comma architecture comma and Here
• Many city-states in northern Italy began as republics led by powertal merchant families
Group B
. Christians clashed Muslims in long and devastating wars
• Mongol warriors spread destruction wherever they traveled
· England and France clashed in the Hundred Year's Wat
• Famine and plague spread death across Europe
• Great cathedrals and new universities rose in Europe
. Cities were coming into centers of business trade and learning
Group A
Group B