Who is Rifkin? If you have not done so already, do an Internet search to find out something about him. What is his profession? What does he usually write about? Does everybody agree with him? Do the facts you find about his life, his credentials, and his interests make him more credible to you? Less credible?

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Answer and Explanation:

1. Rifkin is an economic and social theorist, in addition to being a writer and a researcher in the USA, always expressing pertinent and punctual opinions on politics and economics.

2. He has a degree in economics, which we can consider his profession, but he has worked in different areas, always focused on social science, diplomacy, politics and of course, economics.

3. He writes about the impact of government policies and economic factors on social, labor, scientific, technological and environmental changes. He has published 21 books, the most recent of which was published last year (2019) under the title "he Green New Deal".

4. There are many people who do not agree with his opinions and the content of his books. Many people claim that the arguments he uses have no scientific rigor and that he uses bias to support his opinion, giving anti-intellectual information flourished in a cultured language. However, he also has many supporters.

5. According to the academic background, the experience with activist organizations that he had in life, the credentials and the theoretical background that he presents, it is possible for me to think that he is a credible person and that he must be heard. However, as I have never read any of his works, I cannot speak with conviction.