Physical education is one of if not the most important aspect of school, and something we can immediately transfer over to our lives. Personally, I think physical education is a must in every school and every grade level. Children are becoming more obese due to the delicious taste of fast food and how easy it is to sit on video games for hours. Kids need to know that you should not be eating at mcdonald’s every day, and instead, meal prepping. The benefits of nutrition are phenomenal including but not limited to, increased muscle size and mass, a decrease chance of heart attack, decreased chance of major artery failure etc. If you take care of your body now, you won’t have to face the consequences when you are older, and if you adopt a healthy, active lifestyle now, not only will your heart thank you, but so will your future self, for those extra few years of life you got to spend happy, and fulfilled. — I hope this is what you were looking for!