Forms of business organizations
Businesses can be classified into the following forms: sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company (LLC), and limited liability partnership (LLP)
Different forms of businesses have different characteristics. Which of the following characteristics would apply to a limited liability company and a limited liability partnership?
A. LLPs are not suitable for professional firms such as accounting, law, and architecture.
B. Owned by single individual.
C. Owners have limited liability and right to vote.
D. Have corporate ownership structure.
E. Taxed as a partnership.
F. Limited financial liability
You come across different kinds of businesses every day. The following table describes some businesses. Using the description of each business, classify it as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation, or a limited liability company/limited liability partnership.
Business Scenario Type of Business
Selena and Mario run a law firm in Chicago. LLC/LLP
The firm has debt of $100,000, but Selena
and Mario will not be held personally liable for
the law firm's debt.
Chris, the CEo of a beverage company, is Sole Proprietorship
required to certity the accuracy of information Corporation Partnership
provided in the company's quarterly reports LLC/LLP
Brandon started a business, based in a different
state, with his uncle. Due to the business's under-
performance, they had to close the business.
Brandon, however, ended up losing his house due
to a litigation claim.
Richard founded and operated a wedding planning
agency, which specialized in celebrity weddings.
When he died, his business was dissolved because
there was no plan for control after his death.

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Forms of business organizations

1. Characteristics that would apply to a limited liability company and a limited liability partnership:

F. Limited financial liability

2. Business Scenario and Type of Business

a. Selena and Mario run a law firm in Chicago. LLC/LLP .  The firm has debt of $100,000, but Selena  and Mario will not be held personally liable for  the law firm's debt.  Limited Liability Partnership

b. Chris, the CEo of a beverage company, is Sole Proprietorship

required to certify the accuracy of information Corporation Partnership

provided in the company's quarterly reports LLC/LLP

c. Brandon started a business, based in a different  state, with his uncle. Due to the business's under- performance, they had to close the business.  Brandon, however, ended up losing his house due  to a litigation claim. Partnership

d. Richard founded and operated a wedding planning  agency, which specialized in celebrity weddings.  When he died, his business was dissolved because  there was no plan for control after his death. Sole Proprietorship


A sole proprietorship is owned by one person without the advantage of being registered as a company (LLC). A partnership is a business organization owned by more than one person without the advantage of limited liability of the partners or being registered as a company (LLC).  A corporation is an incorporated business organization with limited liability for the shareholders.  Limited liability company (LLC) is a corporation that is owned by individuals with the advantage of limited liability.  A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a partnership or business organization owned by more than one person which enjoys limited liability.