
"Francesco Redi was a scientist that performed an experiment to determine whether maggots formed from rotting meat. Versions of his experiments are described below. Meat was placed in two beakers. One of the beakers was left open to the air. The other beaker was covered with a fabric that only allowed air to get in. As the meat rotted, flies landed on the meat in the open beaker but were unable to get to the meat with the fabric over it. After a few days, maggots appeared on the meat in the open beaker, but not in the closed beaker. In the next experiment, rotting meat was placed in two beakers. Dead flies were placed in one beaker, and live flies were placed in the other beaker. Both beakers were sealed, allowing no air in. Maggots appeared in the beaker with live flies, but not in the beaker with dead flies." 1. Explain how this experiment disproves the theory of spontaneous generation. (3 points)

Respuesta :


Francesco Redi performed an experiment explained in the question to confirm wheather maggots formed from roeeting meat. He explained that maggots on meat do not form spontaneously.

These maggots come from the eggs laid by flies on the meat as it is only found on open meat jar where flies can go and lay their eggs. It disaproves the spontaneous generation thoery as if it was true open jar or closed jar every rotting meat jar must carry maggots on them.


Francisco Redi performed an experiment explained in the question to confirm weather maggots formed from rotting meat. He explained that maggots on meat do not form spontaneously.

These maggots come from the eggs laid by flies on the meat as it is only found on open meat jar where flies can go and lay their eggs. It disapproves the spontaneous generation theory as if it was true open jar or closed jar every rotting meat jar must carry maggots on them.
