The game begins with the player having 20 POINTS

The player rolls 2 six sided dice and the sum of faces on the two dice are calculated. That’s called the players POINT.

If the POINT is a 7 or 11, the player wins his POINT

If the POINT is a 2, 3, or 12, the player loses his POINT

If the POINT is anything else, then the game continues by the player rolling the two dice again and again recording and checking the sum until

The player makes his point (The sum of his dice roll equals his POINT value) and then he wins his POINT

The player rolls a 7 and then he loses his POINT.

The player is considered a winner if he can acquire 60 POINTS and is considered a loser when he runs out POINTS

After the program has finished, display the total number of rolls of the dice that were made in the entire game.
In need for python file grade 11 work

Respuesta :


Following are the code to this question:

import random#import package for using random method  

def rolling_dice(): #defining method rolling_dice that uses a random number to calculate and add value in dice1 and dice2 variable

   dice1 = random.randint(1,6)

   dice2 = random.randint(1,6)

   return dice1 + dice2

def rolling(): # defining method rolling

   n_roll = 0  # defining num variable that initial value that is 0.

   p = 20 # defining variable p for looping, that points in between 1 and 59

   while p > 0 and p < 60: # defining loop that counts value dice value two times  

       d = rolling_dice()#defining d variable that hold method value

       n_roll+= 1 #defining n_roll that increment n_roll value by 1

       if d == 7 or d == 11:# defining if block that uses the d variable that checks either 7 or 11, player won d in p variable

           p+= d   # use p variable that adds d variable

       elif d == 2 or d == 3 or d == 12:#defining elif block to that checks d variable by using or operator  

           p-= d#defining d variable that decreases d variable variable

       else: # defining else block

           p1 = d # using p1 variable that store d value  

           while True:# defining loop that calculates values

               d = rolling_dice()#defining d variable that holds method values

               n_roll += 1 #increment the n_roll value by 1

               if d == 7:#defining if block that checks d value equal to 7

                   p -= p1#subtract the value of p1 in p variable  

                   break # exit loop

               elif d == p:#defining elif block to check d value is equal to p

                   p += p1#adds the value of p1 in p variable  

                   break#using break keyword

   if p<= 0:#defining if block that checks p-value is less then equal to 0  

       print('Player lost')#using print method

   elif p>= 60:#defining else block that checks p-value is greater than equal to 60

       print('Player won')#using print method to print the value

   print('number of dice rolls:', n_roll)#use print method to print n_rolls value



Player lost

number of dice rolls: 38


In the above-given python code, a method "rolling_dice" is declared, inside the method two-variable "dice1 and dice2" is declared, that uses the random method to calculate the value in both variable and use the return keyword to add both values.

  • In the next step, another method the "rolling"  is declared, inside the method "n_roll and p" is declared that assigns the values and use the two while loop, inside the loop if block is defined that calculates the values.
  • In the next step, a condition block is used that stores value in the p variable and use the print method to print the "n_roll" value.