I'm going too grade 11 in September and I'm not good at math so I dont want to take academic math for the next years in high school. do I have to take math in high school in order to go to university . I want to take philosophy in uni to go to law school and I live in canada Ontario.

Respuesta :

Hi, in order to graduate high school in Ontario, you need at least 3 math credits (typically grades 9, 10 and 11), so you would need to take a math next year. It depends on the program you want in university whether or not you need to include a math mark. I would suggest looking up philosophy university programs to see if math is a prerequisite. You could also take mixed math instead of university math so it would be slightly easier but could still be used as a mark to get into university. Lower levels of math are also available for you to get your third math credit if you don’t need a math mark to get into university. Hope this helps! I don’t really know anything about philosophy or law programs, but I’d be happy to help if you have anymore high school/university questions!