There are three commercial tax-preparation offices in City A. The local Better Business Bureau has been receiving some complaints that one of the offices does not understand tax law well enough to provide expert advice. The Better Business Bureau has decided to invest several hundred dollars in grant money to test the claim. It has selected four people at random and has asked that they allow each of the offices to prepare their taxes using the same information. The following data show the tax bills ($1,000s) as figured by each office. The following data show the tax bills as figured by each office. The data are also located in the CD-ROM file Tax-test.Return Office 1 Office 2 Office 31 4376.20 5100.10 4988.032 5678.45 6234.23 5489.233 2341.78 2242.60 2121.904 9875.33 10300.30 9845.605 7650.20 8002.90 7590.886 1324.80 1450.90 1356.89Required:Use the ANOVA procedure on your calculator for completely randomized designs to determine whether there is a significant difference in the mean taxes due on tax returns?