
Set numMatches to the number of elements in userValues (having NUM_VALS elements) that equal matchValue. Ex: If matchValue = 2 and userVals = {2, 2, 1, 2}, then numMatches = 3.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int userValues[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;
int matchValue = 0;
int numMatches = -99; // Set numMatches to 0 before your for loop

userValues[0] = 2;
userValues[1] = 2;
userValues[2] = 1;
userValues[3] = 2;

matchValue = 2;

/* Your solution goes here */

printf("matchValue: %d, numMatches: %d\n", matchValue, numMatches);

return 0;

2)Write a for loop to populate array userGuesses with NUM_GUESSES integers. Read integers using scanf. Ex: If NUM_GUESSES is 3 and user enters 9 5 2, then userGuesses is {9, 5, 2}.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_GUESSES = 3;
int userGuesses[NUM_GUESSES];
int i = 0;

/* Your solution goes here */

return 0;

3)Array testGrades contains NUM_VALS test scores. Write a for loop that sets sumExtra to the total extra credit received. Full credit is 100, so anything over 100 is extra credit. Ex: If testGrades = {101, 83, 107, 90}, then sumExtra = 8, because 1 + 0 + 7 + 0 is 8.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int testGrades[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;
int sumExtra = -9999; // Initialize to 0 before your for loop

testGrades[0] = 101;
testGrades[1] = 83;
testGrades[2] = 107;
testGrades[3] = 90;

/* Your solution goes here */

printf("sumExtra: %d\n", sumExtra);
return 0;

4)Write a for loop to print all NUM_VALS elements of array hourlyTemp. Separate elements with a comma and space. Ex: If hourlyTemp = {90, 92, 94, 95}, print:

90, 92, 94, 95
Note that the last element is not followed by a comma, space, or newline.


int main(void) {
const int NUM_VALS = 4;
int hourlyTemp[NUM_VALS];
int i = 0;

hourlyTemp[0] = 90;
hourlyTemp[1] = 92;
hourlyTemp[2] = 94;
hourlyTemp[3] = 95;

/* Your solution goes here */


return 0;

Respuesta :



for(i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i) {

  if(userValues[i] == matchValue) {

     numMatches++;  }    }


for (i = 0; i < NUM_GUESSES; i++) {

      scanf("%d", &userGuesses[i]);   }

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_GUESSES; ++i) {

         printf("%d ", userGuesses[i]);    }


sumExtra = 0;

for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i){

     if (testGrades[i] > 100){  

        sumExtra = testGrades[i] - 100 + sumExtra;    }       }


for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; ++i) {

    if (i<(NUM_VALS-1))  

   printf( "%d,", hourlyTemp[i]);


    printf("%d",hourlyTemp[i]); }      


1) This loop works as follows:

1st iteration:

i = 0

As i= 0 and NUM_VALS = 4 This means for condition i<NUM_VALS  is true so the body of loop executes

if(userValues[i] == matchValue) condition checks if element at i-th index position of userValues[] array is equal to the value of matchValue variable. As matchValue = 2 and i = 0 So the statement becomes:

userValues[0] == 2

2 == 2

As the value at 0th index (1st element) of userValues is 2 so the above condition is true and the value of numMatches is incremented to 1. So numMatches = 1

Now value of i is incremented to 1 so i=1

2nd iteration:

i = 1

As i= 1 and NUM_VALS = 4 This means for condition i<NUM_VALS  is true so the body of loop executes

if(userValues[i] == matchValue) condition checks if element at i-th index position of userValues[] array is equal to the value of matchValue variable. As matchValue = 2 and i = 1 So the statement becomes:

userValues[1] == 2

2 == 2

As the value at 1st index (2nd element) of userValues is 2 so the above condition is true and the value of numMatches is incremented to 1. So numMatches = 2

Now value of i is incremented to 1 so i=2

The same procedure continues at each iteration.

The last iteration is shown below:

5th iteration:

i = 4

As i= 4 and NUM_VALS = 4 This means for condition i<NUM_VALS  is false so the loop breaks

Next the statement: printf("matchValue: %d, numMatches: %d\n", matchValue, numMatches);  executes which displays the value of

numMatches = 3


The first loop works as follows:

At first iteration:

i = 0

i<NUM_GUESSES is true as NUM_GUESSES = 3 and i= 0 so 0<3

So the body of loop executes which reads the element at ith index (0-th) index i.e. 1st element of userGuesses array. Then value of i is incremented to i and i = 1.

At each iteration each element at i-th index is read using scanf such as element at userGuesses[0], userGuesses[1], userGuesses[2]. The loop stops at i=4 as i<NUM_GUESSES evaluates to false.

The second loop works as follows:

At first iteration:

i = 0

i<NUM_GUESSES is true as NUM_GUESSES = 3 and i= 0 so 0<3

So the body of loop executes which prints the element at ith index (0-th) index i.e. 1st element of userGuesses array. Then value of i is incremented to i and i = 1.

At each iteration, each element at i-th index is printed on output screen using printf such as element at userGuesses[0], userGuesses[1], userGuesses[2] is displayed. The loop stops at i=4 as i<NUM_GUESSES evaluates to false.

So if user enters enters 9 5 2, then the output is 9 5 2


The loop works as follows:

At first iteration:


i<NUM_VALS is true as NUM_VALS = 4 so 0<4. Hence the loop body executes.

if (testGrades[i] > 100 checks if the element at i-th index of testGrades array is greater than 100. As i=0 so this statement becomes:

if (testGrades[0] > 100

As testGrades[0] = 101 so this condition evaluates to true as 101>100

So the statement sumExtra = testGrades[i] - 100 + sumExtra; executes which becomes:

sumExtra = testGrades[0] - 100 + sumExtra

As sumExtra = 0

testGrades[0] = 101


sumExtra = 101 - 100 + 0

sumExtra = 1

The same procedure is done at each iteration until the loop breaks. The output is:

sumExtra = 8


The loop works as follows:

At first iteration


i < NUM_VALS is true as  NUM_VALS = 4 so 0<4 Hence loop body executes.

if (i<(NUM_VALS-1))   checks if i is less than NUM_VALS-1 which is 4-1=3

It is also true as 0<3 Hence the statement in body of i executes

printf( "%d,", hourlyTemp[i]) statement prints the element at i-th index i.e. at 0-th index of hourlyTemp array with a comma (,) in the end. As hourlyTemp[0] = 90; So 90, is printed.

When the above IF condition evaluates to false i.e. when i = 3 then else part executes which prints the hourlyTemp[3] = 95 without comma.

Same procedure happens at each iteration unless value of i exceeds NUM_VAL.

The output is:

90, 92, 94, 95

The programs along with their output are attached.

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