Shakespeare and Mueller have different perceptions of how this fictional event might have occurred. In a short response of at least five sentences, describe their different perceptions. Include at least one specific reference to each work in your response.

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Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet's balcony sequence depicts the two unfortunate partners far from each other, of Juliet on her rooftop, and Romeo skulling in the woods behind. In a sense, Shakespeare 's interpretation and representation of this scene reflects the enormous distance between the two, or foretells what was about to follow (the two were not meant to be together).

   Mueller 's interpretation and portrayal of the incident, on the other hand, shows a couple locked in a hug. This intuition indicates that they could have a chance together, or at least have shared a little joy around each other.

Victor Mueller was a painter who portrayed the scene of the play, 'Romeo and Juliet,' by Shakespeare. They both differed in how the same scene was portrayed.

Who are Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet are the characters of the play by William Shakespeare. In the play, Romeo is seen on the ground and Juliet on her balcony but the painting of Mueller portrays both of them embraced in the hug.

Mueller's painting shows that they both might have a chance to come together, but the play shows the huge distance between the two leads showing they will not be able to be together.

Therefore, the scene of Romeo and Juliet is portrayed differently by Shakespeare and Mueller.

Learn more about Shakespeare and Mueller here: