A college degree is associated with a higher income on average, so it makes sense to look at educational attainment when thinking about gender wage inequality. Women's college enrollment:______a. has always been higher than men's, with the exception of the 1920s. b. was lower than men's in the 1970s, but has been higher than men's since the 1980s. c. has been just about the same as men's since the 1960s. d. was lower than men's in the 1950s, but has been the same as men's since the 1970s.

Respuesta :


Correct Answer:

d. was lower than men's in the 1950's, but has been the same as men's since the 1970's.


Since, in the wage earned by the people is determined by the level of education qualification of the citizen in question, it is expected that, those with college degree would earn higher than those without college degree.

In the 1950's, the women's college enrollment has been lower than men's. This has indirectly led to women earning lower wages than their male counterpart.