Many important acts of legislation, including taxation, require an impartial judge.
Where there is no impartial judge to settle disputes the most powerful faction is likely to prevail.
Ultimately, we must have faith that government will be run by enlightened.
Madison said that factions were a very damaging feature of the country, but it was impossible to stop them without an equal income distribution in the region and without promoting the diversity and freedom of citizens to have their own choices and interests. In order to prevent the marjoritary factions from exploiting and taking advantage of the minority factions, Madison said that it was necessary that important legislative acts, including taxation, require an impartial judge, who would control and diminish the power of the marjoritary factions.
Furthermore, he argued that the government would be run by enlightened citizens chosen by the people. He maintained that if the people were responsible for that choice, it would be more difficult for them to be deceived and to choose corrupt and inefficient citizens.