awaharlal is writing an introduction to a school report about jim thorpe. below is the passage he's reporting. "america has claim to who in addition to being its greatest athlete may be called the world's greatest athlete. jim thorpe is an american who went on to be an accomplished college football player, pro football player, major league baseball player, and olympic champion. his college football career started at carlisle indian industrial school. one example of his athletic greatness came during a game against army in 1912. he scored on a 92-yard run; however, there was a penalty on the play, and it was recalled. on the very next play, thorpe scored on a 97-yard run. this score was so totally sweet." which part of jawaharlal's introduction contains inappropriate language for a school assignment? a. "this score was so totally sweet." b. "one example of his athletic greatness came during a game against army in 1912." c. "his college football career started at carlisle indian industrial school." d. "on the very next play, thorpe scored on a 97-yard run."