The resistivity of a metal increases slightly with increased temperature. This can be expressed as rho=rho0[1+α(T−T0)], where T0 is a reference temperature, usually 20∘C, and α is the temperature coefficient of resistivity. Part A First find an expression for the current I through a wire of length L, cross-section area A, and temperature T when connected across the terminals of an ideal battery with terminal voltage ΔV. Then, because the change in resistance is small, use the binomial approximation to simplify your expression. Your final expression should have the temperature coefficient α in the numerator. Express your answer in terms of L, A, T, T0, ΔV, rho0, and α.

Respuesta :


I = ΔVA[1 - α (T₀ - T)]/Lρ₀


We have the following data:

ΔV = Battery Terminal Voltage

I = Current through wire

L = Length of wire

A = Cross-sectional area of wire

T = Temperature of wire, when connected across battery

T₀ = Reference temperature

ρ = Resistivity of wire at temperature T

ρ₀ = Resistivity of wire at reference temperature

α = Temperature Coefficient of Resistance

From OHM'S LAW we know that;


I = ΔV/R

but,  R = ρL/A   (For Wire)


I = ΔV/(ρL/A)

I = ΔVA/ρL

but,   ρ = ρ₀[1 + α (T₀ - T)]


I = ΔVA/Lρ₀[1 + α (T₀ - T)]

I = [ΔVA/Lρ₀] [1 + α (T₀ - T)]⁻¹

using Binomial Theorem:

(1 +x)⁻¹ = 1 - x + x² - x³ + ...

In case of [1 + α (T₀ - T)]⁻¹, x = α (T₀ - T).

Since, α generally has very low value. Thus, its higher powers can easily be neglected.

Therefore, using this Binomial Approximation, we can write:

[1 + α (T₀ - T)]⁻¹ = [1 - α (T₀ - T)]

Thus, the equation becomes:

I = ΔVA[1 - α (T₀ - T)]/Lρ₀