Large-scale integrated (LSI) circuit chips are made in one department of an electronics firm. These chips are incorporated into analog devices that are then encased in epoxy. The yield is not particularly good for LSI manufacture, so the AQL specified by that department is 20% while the LTPD acceptable by the assembly department is 52%. Assume the company is willing to accept a consumer's risk of 10 percent and a producer's risk of 5 percent.
A. Find the sample size.
B. How would you tell someone to do the test?

Respuesta :


A) sample size = 23.475 ≈ 23

B) How to tell someone to do the test is by taking a sampling process of a lot of the products because this will help to figure out defective units in the line of production and also ensure that the quality of the products are up to the same quality required


Data given

AQL = 20%, = 0.2

LTPD = 52% = 0.52

Assuming consumer risk acceptable by company = 10%

producer risk = 5%

A) First we calculate the ratio

= LTPD / AQL = 0.52 / 0.2  = 2.6

from the table of LTPD/AQL   2.6 is closest to 2.768

to calculate the sample size we apply the formula from the exhibit table

n ( AQL ) = 4.695

Therefore n ( sample size ) = 4.695 / 0.2 = 23.475

B) How to tell someone to do the test is by taking a sampling process of a lot of the products because this will help to figure out defective units in the line of production and also ensure that the quality of the products are up to the same quality required