PART C: Which TWO of the following statements reflect the central ideas of the text?
The Tiananmen Square “tank man” will forever represent the hopes and efforts of activists throughout the world.
Chinese youth during this time were misguided in believing they would be able to confront the brutal and oppressive Chinese government and make significant change.
The Tiananmen Square protests were in many ways inevitable, coming at a time of great social, cultural, and economic unrest.
The Tiananmen Square massacre, with the deaths and arrests of tens of thousands of protesters, inspired others across the world to stand up to Chinese oppression.
The Chinese government during this time, though successful in stopping the protesters’ efforts, used brutal tactics that increased oppression and discontent throughout the country.
The Tiananmen Square massacre was a reflection of the decades-earlier “Cultural Revolution” in that both movements were led by youth and ineffective.