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Actions that underlie mathematical rules, patterns or probability distributions.

For example how fast something falls at any given point or time.

More complex actions, such as human decision making in single individuals would be way too complicated to describe in physical terms.

But note that there can be physical models of such things as traffic when we can assume statistical knowledge of behavior.

Also physical models are used to plan such things as emergency exits in big stadiums, because many thousands of people can be described as particles flowing under a given pressure.

Every time we can gain good statistical knowledge and can therefore see patterns and rules in action, we can build theoretical models to make predictions and simulations (and games btw)

Since it's fair to say that mathematics is the science of patterns, it is plausible that physical descriptions often come in mathematical formulations, so that it can be understand as an efficient language of physics.

Neighboring disciplines like chemistry relay on physical theories to build on them,and then add shortcuts to fit their needs and interests, generating an own language for their field of study. But physicists may refer to them as anadd-on to physics.

Physics can basically explain all actions wich you can express in numbers.

But note that on a fundamental level physics describes 'how' things work, not necessarily 'why' they do it this way. The source of the basic and most fundamental physical constants and rules remains a mystery till this day.But of course there are theories on that as well, wich mostly can neither be proved or falsified.

The text is my own work and based of my general knowledge and quintessence of lectures on physics and other fields I attended.

(I would really appreciate the brainliest)