Query 1 cageSector is 'N' if a cage is in the North Sector of the zoo. Find the ID for all Animals that are in the North Sector of the zoo. No duplicates should appear in your answer.

Query 2 Output the name, address and cageID whenever a member who has that name and address visited the cage with that cageID and liked that cage visit. For this query, duplicates can appear in your result, if that's appropriate. For example, if the same member visited a cage 5 times and liked 3 of the visits, then that member's name, address and the cageID should appear 3 times in the result. Don't eliminate these duplicates.

Query 3 An animal is a lion if its species Name is lion', and similarly for tiger, etc. Find the ID, name and salary for each keeper who is the keeper for a cage which has both a lion and a tiger inside. In your result, tuples with the biggest salary should appear first; result tuples that have the same salary, should appear alphabetized by name. No duplicates should appear in your answer.