Read the paragraph.
William Kamkwamba reminds me of ___. Other kids in his Malawi village laughed at him
when they saw him combing through a junkyard. But William ignored them and continued
searching for spare parts he could use to construct an "electric wind" machine. The windmill he
built eventually provided electricity for lights and radios in his home. It also earned William a
scholarship to Dartmouth College.
Which words complete the paragraph with the MOST APPROPRIATE allusion?
A. Parizade, who put cotton in her ears to shut out loud jeers and proceeded toward the three treasures
B. Joseph, who told his hostile older brothers his dream about their grain stalks bowing down to his
C. Ulysses, who had himself bound to his ship's mast to stop the Sirens' voices from luring him too close
to the shore
D. Icarus, who learned to fly then failed to heed his father's warnings and flew too close to the sun