You have been working on a new entrepreneurial venture with a few friends for the past year. Everyone’s efforts are really starting to come together and you have even developed a proof-of-concept to show folks in order to obtain feedback and advice. The process has been going so well that you have been invited to pitch your idea to a panel of successful entrepreneurs that might be interested in investing. You have been told the pitch is limited to 15 minutes. Which of the following areas of communication effectiveness should you focus on the most when designing your pitch?
A. Determining a few key ideas and how to best sequence them.
B. Practicing your tone to clearly show your enthusiasm and confidence.
C. Creating a memorable introduction to the pitch.
D. Researching the background of the potential investors on the panel.

Respuesta :


A. determining a few key ideas and how to best sequence them.


The effective communication is one in which the speaker is able to disseminate his ideas to the listener correctly. The panel of successful entrepreneur is interested in investing in the venture. The meeting is limited to 15 minutes so we should cover only key points and focus on their benefits of investing. The Entrepreneur has time to listen key ideas and its upon us to best sequence those ideas which leave a positive impact on the panel.