Enter a lookup function in cell e5 that returns the tax deduction amount for the number of dependents listed in cell C5

Respuesta :


Your table is missing

However to write a vlookup function

Pick the reference data (that is the cell that bears same information from your result file or table to the data field)

So you write =vlookup(data ref.....

Next select the table where your data is located. Ensure the start cell begins from the data ref above and includes the information you want to bring to your result table)

Next count from left to right of your selected table, the number of cells from the data ref in step 1 and the result you want to lift

And then you close out the formula with a true or false. True means the data ref must be exact as the result and the data field, that is text, number etc and false means they are relateable irrespective of difference in format.

This should help