Respuesta :
breaking up the compound into simply Ni and SO4 helps with naming.
ni = nickel
SO4 = sulfate
with transition metals, you must include the change in the name after the element which in this case is 3.
Nickel (II) Sulfate
ni = nickel
SO4 = sulfate
with transition metals, you must include the change in the name after the element which in this case is 3.
Nickel (II) Sulfate
The correct answer for this question is Nickel (III) SUlfate
We need to know what composed the compound.
We have Ni and SO4.
ni = nickel
SO4 = sulfate
We need to know what composed the compound.
We have Ni and SO4.
ni = nickel
SO4 = sulfate
Ionic compounds don't get prefixes like di-, tri-, or any of those.
Take note of the 2 and 3