two trains leave the station at the same time, one heading west and the other east. the westbound train travels at 80 miles per hour. the eastbound train travels at 60 miles per hour. how long will it take for the two trains to be 392 miles apart? do not do any rounding.​

Respuesta :


let this happens after t hours


80t + 60t = 392

140 t = 392

t = 392/140

=2.8 hours


ok the train goes 60+80=140 in 1 hour

140+140=280 2 hours


112/ the 60 miles and 80 miles is .80% of the hour so

60*.80=48 and 80*.80=64

48+64=112 so the trains will be 392 miles apart in 2.8 hours

Step-by-step explanation: