1. A copper block of volume 1 L is heat treated at 500ºC and now cooled in a 200-L oil bath initially at 20◦C. Assuming no heat transfer with the surroundings, what is the final temperature?

Respuesta :


final temperature T = 24.84ºC


given data

copper volume = 1 L

temperature t1 = 500ºC

oil volume = 200 L

temperature t2 = 20ºC


Density of copper [tex]\rho[/tex] cu = 8940 Kg/m³

Density of light oil  [tex]\rho[/tex] oil = 889 Kg/m³

Specific heat capacity of copper Cv = 0.384  KJ/Kg.K

Specific heat capacity of light oil Cv = 1.880 KJ/kg.K

so fist we get here mass of oil and copper that is

mass = density × volume   ................1

mass of copper = 8940 × 1 ×  [tex]10^{-3}[/tex]  = 8.94 kg  

mass of oil = 889 × 200 × [tex]10^{-3}[/tex]  =  177.8 kg  

so we apply here now energy balance equation that is

[tex]M(cu)\times Cv \times (T-T1)_{cu} + M(oil) \times Cv\times (T-T2)_{oil}[/tex]  = 0

put here value and we get T2

[tex]8.94\times 0.384 \times (T-500) + 177.8 \times 1.890\times (T-20)[/tex]  = 0

solve it we get

T = 24.84ºC